
Stadtführung Brüssel (deutsch & englisch)

3 Stunden
Präsenzkurs / vor Ort
Nächster Starttermin
2 Juni, 2024 Details anzeigen
117,81 EUR inkl. MwSt.
Webseite des Anbieters
3 Stunden
Präsenzkurs / vor Ort
Nächster Starttermin
2 Juni, 2024 Details anzeigen
117,81 EUR inkl. MwSt.
Webseite des Anbieters
Ab 117,81 EUR inkl. MwSt. / Person


Stadtführung Brüssel (deutsch & englisch)

Stadtführung Brüssel (deutsch & englisch)

Discover the beauty of Brussels

The day before you’ve experienced the finals of the European Speaker Award. Now, the morning after, take advantage of the fact that you’re in Europe’s political and cultural capital and use our guided city tour to network with the guests, speakers and jury members from the day before!

Kommende Starttermine

1 verfügbarer Starttermin

2 Juni, 2024

  • Präsenzkurs / vor Ort
  • Brüssel

Inhalte / Module

City Tour:

  • 10.00 am: Meeting at the town hall of Brussels
  • 10.05 am: Welcoming speech by Tom Clarysse: „What it’s like to work and live in Brussels“
  • 10.15 am: Reception in Brussel’s town hall by the mayor of Brussels
  • 10.45 am: Foto Shooting with the mayor of Brussels
  • 11.15 am: Atomium, Mannekenpiss, Art Deco at Brussels
  • 12.00 pm: Keynote Speech Dr. Martin Emrich: „European Speaker Award – Reviewing yesterday’s highlights and next steps“
  • 12.15 pm: Lunch
  • 13.00 pm: End of city tour. You have the chance to further explore Brussels on your own.

Aufbau & Organisation

Meeting Point:

Please be punctual at 10 am in front of the main entrance of the town hall of Brussels.

Zielgruppe / Voraussetzungen

Für weitere Informationen hierzu stellen Sie gerne eine Informationsanfrage!


Your ticket to this event includes:

  • Guided city tour in English by Dr. Martin Emrich (German nationality) and Tom Clarysse (Belgium nationality)
  • Explanations given will be in English. However, both guides also speek French and German. Tom also Dutch.
  • Free entrance to all historic sites.
  • Reception in the town hall of Brussels (if possible) including photo shooting. If not possible: photo shooting in front of town hall.
  • We bring you to a good restaurant in Brussels for lunch. Food and drinks are at your own expenses.
  • All photos from this event
  • Social Media Campaign on instagram and Facebook
  • Your ticket also includes the possibility to participate for free at the event "European Speaker Award" on June 1st in brussels.

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